Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Teaching Tip for supporting students to move beyond Learned Helplessness when it comes to Augmentive Communication

Some students with disabilities develop a sense that they just cannot do a specific task related to augmentive communication.  Thus, they cease even trying to communicate; this can be characterized as learned helpless.  Teachers can take active steps to help students overcome this type of misperception.

1. Create a daily expectation of communication using the augmentive device.  This could be choosing an activity at recess or lunch; or picking a book to read.

2. Create a brief list of activities that happened during the student's day and have the student communicate these to his/her parents.

3. Allow sometimes for the augmentive communication tool to "break down" or have an issue.  This will allow the student to problem solve and gain skills in self-help.

4. Give students a choice as to when or how to use their device.

5. Give the student some powerful commands/responses to common questions (e.g. "I really do not want to do that!").

Source: Dell, A; Newton, G and Petroff, J.  (2012).  Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experience of Students with Disabilities. Pearson Education.

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