Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Technology math-related tools that address visual spatial or motor control difficulties

Math apps can also help meet the needs of students that have trouble writing, aligning digits and creating visual representations (e.g. an angle).  This is often due to a lack of fine motor control or visual spatial challenges.  Apps that minimize handwriting demands, can be very helpful for both of these types of student.

For example, an app called MathPad Plus.  It costs about $100 and is able to be used on all types of computers (e.g. PCs and MACs).  It helps students who have trouble working with pen and paper due to difficulty with fine motor skills, those who need speech output, those who need help aligning digits properly, those who need immediate feedback and those who are more engaged when on a computer.  While it does not have a lot of "bells and whistles"; it seems practical and useful for helping students solve addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems.  Also, it has options for viewing problems using pie charts, fraction bars and decimal grids which can aide student understanding of the math problem.

Source: Dell, A; Newton, G and Petroff, J.  (2012).  Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experience of Students with Disabilities. Pearson Education.

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