Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Using CoWriter

For the high school student with a writing, reading or physical disability that makes typing or writing difficult, CoWriter can be an excellent tool to facilitate a finished writing piece.  It uses word prediction (and has extensive dictionaries that can be added to) to help students write quicker and more accurately.

Many of my students with IEPS (and some without) struggle getting their thoughts onto paper.  I watched a five minute video which demonstrated the intuitive way in which this AT predicts words as well as the general simplicity in using it.

For an individual to use it, the cost is about $300.  Schools can purchase licenses for the entire school or a specified number; this would lower the price.  While relatively expensive, I think it would help many students complete a variety of writing assignments.  I could see students in my class writing current event summaries, writing essays or even taking notes in my class.

1 comment:

  1. Gabby,

    I like how you used this device to adapt to your high school students. I am an elementary teacher, so I did not think about how you would be able to use this with older students. I think this would be a great AT device for students who struggle with writing papers or notes.
